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Under Pressure From Trump, Hillary Ditches Obama and Addresses Orlando Attacker's Religion

Under pressure from Donald Trump to connect the Orlando massacre with the attacker's religion, Hillary Clinton broke with President Barack Obama today and defined the assault as 'radical Islamism' 
Under pressure from Donald Trump to connect the Orlando massacre with the attacker's religion, Hillary Clinton broke with President Barack Obama today and defined the assault as 'radical Islamism.'

Trump had been hounding Obama and Clinton to call the shooting spree at the gay night club early Sunday morning what it is - 'radical Islamic terrorism.'

This morning, on Today, Clinton gave him what he wants and said, 'To me radical jihadism, radical Islamism, I think they mean the same thing. I'm happy to say either, but that's not the point.

All this talk and demagoguery and rhetoric is not going to solve solve the problem,' the Democratic presidential candidate said. 'I'm not going to demonize and demagogue and declare war on an entire religion. That's just plain dangerous and it plays into ISIS' hands.'

As he has long refused to do for the reasons Clinton stated today, Obama would not hinge the terrible act on the shooter's Islamic faith.

Clinton later repeated what Obama had said in a written statement. 

'This was an act of terror,' she said. 'This was also an act of hate. The gunman attacked an LGBT nightclub during Pride Month.'

She said that 'hate has absolutely no place in America' and reiterated her support for stricter gun control measures but did not mention Islamism in any form.

This morning, in response to Trump's assault on both she and the president, Clinton caved.

'If he is somehow suggesting I don't call this for what it is, he hasn't been listening,' she said on Today. 

A moment later she stated: 'We have to defeat radical jihadist terrorism, and we will.'

She also said, 'I think Trump, as usual, is obsessed with name-calling...It matters what we do, not what we say.' 

The shift in rhetoric on 'radical Islamism' was deliberate. She gave a nearly identical answer to CNN this morning, which says that it was rehearsed.

'It matters what we do more than what we say. And you know, it mattered we got [Osama] bin Laden, not what name we called him,' she said. 'And I have clearly said that we face terrorist enemies who use Islam to justify slaughtering innocent people.

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