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Its a new Legislative day in the Nigerian Senate. Senate President Bukola Saraki took the official prayer and led the Senate into today's proceedings.

Senator Binta Masi Garba moved for the approval of votes and proceedings of Wednesday, 17th May, 2017. Senator Mao Ohuabunwa seconded

Senate President Bukola Saraki made announcements and recognized the students who were at the Chamber to observe Plenary.

Senator Tijani Kaura stated a personal explanation regarding the information from the media about the unfair Department of Secret Service recruitment of Cadet officers.

He said that he will work with the appropriate committee to ensure that due process is maintained during recruitment.

Senate President Bukola Saraki thanked Senator Tijani Kaura and said he should keep the Senate informed of the process.

Leader Ahmed Lawan cited order 43 & spoke about the Director General of the National Lottery Commission assuming office without going through due process

He said he liased with the Executive on the issue and they gave a proper apology adding that such occurrence would not repeat itself.

He said the Director General erred because he didn't get the correct briefing and thus made a genuine appeal. A conclusion was made for the Director General to step aside till due process is carried out.

Senate President Bukola Saraki said those eager to resume office must follow due process. He said we must respect our laws and processes.


1. Amendment of Seventen (17) items on the North-East Development Commission (establishment, etc) Bill, 2017. Sponsor: Senate Leader


Senate dissolved into the committee of whole for clause by clause consideration of the Amendment to the North East Development Commission Bill.

Senate noted that the North East Development Commission Bill 2017 was passed by the National Assembly and transmitted to the President Commander-In-Chief on 12th January, 2017 for assent.

The Senate is aware that the National Assembly withdrew the Bill on 7th February, 2017 after some issues bordering on constitutional prescriptions were observed.

The Senate noted that Order 1 (b) of the Senate Standing Orders 2015 as amended states that in all cases not provided for hereinafter or by session or Order practice of the Senate, the Senate shall by resolution regulate its procedure.

Senate accordingly resolved to 
i) Invoke Order 1 (b) of the Senate Standing Orders 2015 as amended to refer the amendments to the Committee of the Whole to effect the amendments; and

ii) Resolve into the Committee of the Whole to consider the Amendment.

Senate reverted back to Plenary and reported progress.

Senate President Bukola Saraki thanked all Senators for their final act to ensure the North East Development Commission Bill #NEDCBill finally took off. He also added that there must be an institutional framework to galvanize the efforts in the North East.


1. Conference Committee Report . Electronic Transaction Bill, 2017 (SB.15) By Senator Buhari Abdulfatai (Oyo North)

Senator Hope Uzodinma seconded.

Deputy Senate President Ike Ekweremadu thanked Senator Buhari Abdulfatai for the comprehensive report on the electronic transaction Bill 2017. He also said he believes that the conference committee report will help in the final passage of the Electronic Transaction Bill.

Senate Leader moved that other items on the Order paper be stood down to another Legislative Day to allow Senators attend to other matters.


Plenary is now adjourned till Tuesday, 23rd May, 2017.


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